Spooky Hair Accessories



It’s amazing how some little skulls can brighten up spookify a few standard hair accessories.

For this project I used some pretty standard modeling clay – (the kind you bake in the oven til it hardens) and some uber strong glue. For those of you who are concerned, I was supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

It was pretty fun going through all my hair stuff and wondering what I could stick skulls to. I am now fighting the urge to stick them to everything I own. C’mon it’d be great! – skull candles, skull vases, skull glasses…

Maybe not.

Anyway, this little project has spawned another idea about sticking tiny little Trap Door style bugs and monsters to things, so keep your eyeballs peeled for that one.

HH x


Filed under General Gubbins

5 responses to “Spooky Hair Accessories

  1. that’s pretty sweet! I’d never thought about using modeling clay for skulls before- I’d love to make some day of the dead skulls sometime, so maybe I’ll give it a try this way :0)

  2. Ooooo I like.

    And since I am dead I can take off my head to recite Shakespearean quotation…

  3. holyhandcrafter

    Perhaps it’s the head that I found in the lake…

  4. Vatic

    Oooooh. Veddy eggcitink.

    I don’t do hair accessories as a general rule, but maybe I shall should I get some brightly coloured woolly dreads ere too long…

  5. holyhandcrafter

    Well if Vatic is nice then maybe I will make some custom ones for her – what would she like? The Vampire Cake Baker (have you guessed who that is yet??) has commissioned me to make her some Trap Door ones which I’ll be doing today :)

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